- GeneralInformation() - Constructor for class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime.GeneralInformation
- getActiveTenantConfiguration() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.configuration.ITenantConfigurationResolver
Gets the active configuration resource for a given tenant.
- getAssetManagement(ITenant) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get asset management implementation for the given tenant.
- getAssetManagement() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get the asset management implementation.
- getAssetManagement() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ITenantTemplate.Initializers
Get asset management initializer Groovy script locations.
- getAssetManagementCacheProvider() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get the asset management cache provider implementation.
- getAssetModuleManager(ITenant) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get asset module manager for tenant.
- getAssetModuleManager() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get the asset modules manager instance.
- getAssetResource(String) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.configuration.IGlobalConfigurationResolver
Get an asset resource based on relative path.
- getAssetResource(String) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.configuration.ITenantConfigurationResolver
Get an asset resource based on relative path.
- getAuthorizedTenants(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get list of tenants a given user can access.
- getBootstrapResourceManager() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get resource manager for bootstrapping the system.
- getBuildTimestamp() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime.GeneralInformation
- getBuildTimestamp() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IGeneralInformation
Gets the build timestamp.
- getComponentHierarchyState() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.TenantRuntimeState
- getConfigurationParserClassname() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get Spring parser class name for handling bean definitions.
- getConfigurationResolver() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get class that can be used to location the Spring configuration context.
- getDesiredState() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.TenantPersistentState
- getDesiredState() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ITenantPersistentState
Get desired state for the tenant.
- getDeviceCommunication(ITenant) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get device communication subsystem for the given tenant.
- getDeviceCommunication() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get the device communication subsystem implementation.
- getDeviceEventManagement(ITenant) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get device event management implementation for tenant.
- getDeviceEventManagement() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get the device event management implementation.
- getDeviceManagement(ITenant) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get device management implementation for tenant.
- getDeviceManagement() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get the device management implementation.
- getDeviceManagement() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ITenantTemplate.Initializers
Get device management initializer Groovy script locations.
- getDeviceManagementCacheProvider(ITenant) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get device management cache provider for tenant.
- getDeviceManagementCacheProvider() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get the device management cache provider implementation.
- getEdition() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime.GeneralInformation
- getEdition() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IGeneralInformation
Get full edition name.
- getEditionIdentifier() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime.GeneralInformation
- getEditionIdentifier() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IGeneralInformation
Get the short identifier for edition.
- getEngineState() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get current runtime state of engine.
- getEventProcessing(ITenant) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get the event processing subsystem for the given tenant.
- getEventProcessing() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get the event processing subsystem implementation.
- getFilesystemConfigurationRoot() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.configuration.IGlobalConfigurationResolver
- getGeneral() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime
- getGeneral() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime
- getGlobalConfiguration(IVersion) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.configuration.IGlobalConfigurationResolver
Get the global configuration resource.
- getGlobalConfigurationResolver() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.configuration.ITenantConfigurationResolver
Get the global configuration resolver.
- getGlobalConfigurationResolver() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get resolver for global configuration elements.
- getGroovyConfiguration() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get the common Groovy configuration for this node.
- getGroovyConfiguration() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get tenant-scoped Groovy configuration.
- getGroovyScriptEngine() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.groovy.IGroovyConfiguration
Get Groovy script engine.
- getGroovyScriptEngine() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.groovy.ITenantGroovyConfiguration
Get Groovy script engine.
- getHazelcastConfiguration() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get the Hazelcast configuration for this node.
- getHazelcastInstance() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.hazelcast.IHazelcastConfiguration
Get Hazelcast instance for this node.
- getHealthCheckRegistry() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get the health check registry.
- getId() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.TenantEngineComponent
- getId() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ITenantTemplate
Get unique template id.
- getInitializers() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ITenantTemplate
Get model initializer information.
- getJava() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime
- getJava() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime
- getJvmFreeMemory() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime.JavaInformation
- getJvmFreeMemory() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IJavaInformation
Get free memory available to JVM.
- getJvmFreeMemoryHistory() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime.JavaInformation
- getJvmFreeMemoryHistory() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IJavaInformation
Get recent historical values for JVM free memory.
- getJvmMaxMemory() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime.JavaInformation
- getJvmMaxMemory() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IJavaInformation
Get max memory available to JVM.
- getJvmTotalMemory() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime.JavaInformation
- getJvmTotalMemory() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IJavaInformation
Get total memory allocated to JVM.
- getJvmTotalMemoryHistory() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime.JavaInformation
- getJvmTotalMemoryHistory() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IJavaInformation
Get recent historical values for JVM total memory.
- getJvmVendor() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime.JavaInformation
- getJvmVendor() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IJavaInformation
Get the JVM vendor.
- getJvmVersion() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime.JavaInformation
- getJvmVersion() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IJavaInformation
Get the JVM version.
- getLastKnownState() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.TenantPersistentState
- getLastKnownState() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ITenantPersistentState
Get last known state for tenant.
- getLifecycleStatus() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.TenantRuntimeState
- getMetricRegistry() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get the metrics registry.
- getName() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.TenantEngineComponent
- getName() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ITenantTemplate
Get display name used in UI.
- getNodeId() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerState
- getNodeId() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerState
Get the unique node id.
- getOperatingSystemName() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime.GeneralInformation
- getOperatingSystemName() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IGeneralInformation
Get operating system name.
- getOperatingSystemVersion() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime.GeneralInformation
- getOperatingSystemVersion() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IGeneralInformation
Get operating system version.
- getParentId() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.TenantEngineComponent
- getPersistentState() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get state information that is persisted across engine restarts.
- getResourceForPath(String) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.configuration.IGlobalConfigurationResolver
Gets a resource for the given global path.
- getResourceForPath(String) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.configuration.ITenantConfigurationResolver
Get tenant resource that corresponds to path.
- getRuntimeResourceManager() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get resource manager for resolving runtime resource references.
- getScheduleManagement(ITenant) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get schedule management implementation for the given tenant.
- getScheduleManagement() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get the schedule management implementation.
- getScheduleManagement() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ITenantTemplate.Initializers
Get schedule management initializer Groovy script locations.
- getScheduleManager(ITenant) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get schedule manager for tenant.
- getScheduleManager() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get the schedule manager implementation.
- getScriptResource(String) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.configuration.IGlobalConfigurationResolver
Get a script resource based on relative path.
- getScriptResource(String) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.configuration.ITenantConfigurationResolver
Get a script resource based on relative path.
- getSearchProviderManager(ITenant) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get search provider manager for tenant.
- getSearchProviderManager() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get the search provider manager implementation.
- getServerClass() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereApplication
Get SiteWhere server class managed by this application.
- getServerRuntimeInformation(boolean) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Gets runtime information about the server.
- getServerStartupError() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Returns exception if one was thrown on startup.
- getServerState() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get persistent server state information.
- getSpringContext() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get Spring ApplicationContext
used to configure the tenant
- getStagedTenantConfiguration() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.configuration.ITenantConfigurationResolver
Gets the staged configuration resource for a given tenant.
- getStatus() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.TenantEngineComponent
- getTenant() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ITenantAware
Get associated tenant.
- getTenantByAuthToken(String) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get a tenant based on its authentication token.
- getTenantConfigurationParserClassname() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get Spring parser class name for handling tenant bean definitions.
- getTenantConfigurationResolver() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Get resolver for tenant configuration elements.
- getTenantEngine(String) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get a tenant engine by tenant id.
- getTenantGroovyConfiguration(ITenant) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get Groovy configuration for tenant.
- getTenantManagement() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get the tenant management implementation.
- getTenantTemplateManager() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get tenant template manager implementation.
- getTenantTemplates() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ITenantTemplateManager
Get list of templates that can be used to create a new tenant.
- getTracer() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get tracer for debug operations.
- getType() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.TenantEngineComponent
- getUptime() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime.GeneralInformation
- getUptime() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IGeneralInformation
Get the amount of time in milliseconds the server has been up.
- getUserManagement() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get the user management implementation.
- getVersion() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServer
Get version information.
- getVersionIdentifier() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.SiteWhereServerRuntime.GeneralInformation
- getVersionIdentifier() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IGeneralInformation
Gets the Maven version identifier.
- IAssetModelInitializer - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server.asset
Class that initializes the asset model with data needed to bootstrap the
- IBackwardCompatibilityService - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server
Helps with migration of previous server versions to provide compatibility for
users that drop the new WAR into an existing server instance.
- IDeviceModelInitializer - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server.device
Class that initializes the device model with data needed to bootstrap the
- IGlobalConfigurationResolver - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.configuration
Pluggable resolver for interacting with global configuration data.
- IGroovyConfiguration - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server.groovy
Supports access to a common Groovy configuration for core server components.
- IHazelcastConfiguration - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server.hazelcast
Wraps Hazelcast instance configuration.
- IModelInitializer - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server
Common interface for model initializers.
- info(String, Logger) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.debug.ITracer
Store or log an informational message.
- initialize(IAssetModuleManager, IAssetManagement) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.asset.IAssetModelInitializer
Initialize the asset model.
- initialize(IDeviceManagement, IDeviceEventManagement, IAssetManagement, IAssetModuleManager) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.device.IDeviceModelInitializer
Initialize the device model.
- initialize(IScheduleManagement) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.scheduling.IScheduleModelInitializer
Intialize schedule management.
- initialize(ITenantManagement) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ITenantModelInitializer
Initialize the tenant model.
- initialize(IUserManagement) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.user.IUserModelInitializer
Initialize the user model.
- IScheduleModelInitializer - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server.scheduling
Class that initializes the schedule model with data needed to bootstrap the
- isEnabled() - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.debug.ITracer
Indicates if the tracer is enabled.
- ISiteWhereApplication - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server
Common interface implemented by SiteWhere applications.
- ISiteWhereServer - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server
Interface for interacting with core SiteWhere server functionality.
- ISiteWhereServerEnvironment - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server
Environment variables that affect SiteWhere server behavior.
- ISiteWhereServerRuntime - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server
Holds runtime information about a SiteWhere server.
- ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IGeneralInformation - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server
General server information.
- ISiteWhereServerRuntime.IJavaInformation - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server
Get information about Java VM.
- ISiteWhereServerState - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server
Holds persistent state information for a SiteWhere Server node.
- ISiteWhereTenantEngine - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant
A SiteWhere tenant engine wraps up the processing pipeline and data storage
for a single SiteWhere tenant.
- isStaged() - Method in class com.sitewhere.rest.model.server.TenantRuntimeState
- issueCommand(String, ILifecycleProgressMonitor) - Method in interface com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant.ISiteWhereTenantEngine
Issue a command to the tenant engine.
- ITenantAware - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant
Used by components that do not need to implement full lifecycle support, but
should be aware of which tenant they are executing in.
- ITenantConfigurationResolver - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.configuration
Pluggable resolver for interacting with global configuration data.
- ITenantGroovyConfiguration - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server.groovy
Supports access to a common Groovy configuration for tenant components.
- ITenantModelInitializer - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant
Class that initializes the tenant model with data needed to bootstrap the
- ITenantPersistentState - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant
Contains information about a tenant that is persisted across tenant restarts.
- ITenantTemplate - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant
Contains information about a template that can be used to populate a new
- ITenantTemplate.Initializers - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant
Model initializers information.
- ITenantTemplateManager - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server.tenant
Manages the list of available tenant templates that can be used when creating
a new tenant.
- ITracer - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server.debug
Pluggable debug facility that allows hierarchical data execution information
to be stored for later analysis.
- IUserModelInitializer - Interface in com.sitewhere.spi.server.user
Class that initializes the user model with data needed to bootstrap the