Developer Guide
This manual covers the steps necessary for a developer to get started working with the SiteWhere source code. It addresses topics such as setting up a development environment, downloading SiteWhere source code, and building SiteWhere artifacts.
Install Development Environment
Most of the core SiteWhere source code is written in Java and made available on on the SiteWhere GitHub page. The easiest path to get up and running is to use a development environment that has integrated support for the Git version control system. This guide assumes that you will be using the Eclipse IDE. SiteWhere was developed with Eclipse and the repositories contain artifacts that make it simple to load the source into Eclipse.
Download Eclipse
First, you will need to download and install a version of Eclipse that supports Java development. Open the following link and choose a version for your platform.
Follow the installation instructions for Eclipse and start the IDE.
Install eGit Plugin
Once Eclipse is installed, you will need to install a plugin to allow it to interact with the SiteWhere Git repository. The following steps will guide you though locating and installing the plugin.
- In the Eclipse menu, choose Help > Install New Software.
- In the Work with: dropdown, choose the Eclipse version you are using to view the plugins available.
- Open the Collaboration category and choose Eclipse EGit and Eclipse EGit Mylyn GitHub Feature.
- Continue clicking Next and accept the license agreement, then click Finish.
- Restart Eclipse when prompted to complete the installation.
- Click Window > Preferences to open the preferences editor, then choose Team > Git to open the EGit plugin preferences.
- Note the Default repository folder setting. This is where your git repositories will be created. You can change the location if the default value isn't acceptable.
Import SiteWhere Respository
All of the core SiteWhere Java code is kept in a single GitHub repository. Previously, each module had its own repository, but they have since been combined.
Get Project from GitHub
The next step is to import the SiteWhere source code into your Eclipse development environment. The following steps will create a local copy of the SiteWhere repository for you:
- Click File > Import in the Eclipse menu.
- Choose Git > Projects from Git then click Next.
- Choose GitHub as the repository source.
- Type sitewhere in the search box and click Search.
- Choose sitewhere/sitewhere from the list, then keep clicking Next until the end of the wizard and click Finish.
Once the repository has been loaded into Eclipse, it will automatically be compiled. The compilation will result in errors due to missing library dependencies. In order to load the required libraries onto your local machine, you will need to install Apache Maven.
Install Gradle and Build Projects
SiteWhere uses Gradle to build project artifacts. The SiteWhere repository includes the Gradle wrapper so there is no need to install extra tools to build the artifacts. To build the web archive (WAR) file, run the following in the project root folder:
gradlew clean war
The Gradle build will clean any existing build artifacts, download all of the dependencies, and compile all of the projects individually. The final result from the build process is a web archive (WAR) file in the sitewhere-web/build/libs directory. The filename can be renamed to sitewhere.war and copied into the SiteWhere webapps folder.
To build a completely functional server (as you would find on the SiteWhere downloads page), execute one of the following commands:
For a Windows installation run:
gradlew clean serverZip
For a Linux/Max installation run:
gradlew clean serverTar
The installable artifacts can be found in the build/distributions folder.